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CalMac promises a dram good time with new West Coast Whisky Pass

UK Tourism Development Manager Maggie Maguire is delighted with the growing popularity of CalMac's Whisky Pass.
(* = Affi­lia­te-Link / Bild­quel­le: Amazon-Partnerprogramm)
Pro­dukt­prei­se und ‑ver­füg­bar­keit sind zum ange­ge­be­nen Datum / Uhr­zeit kor­rekt und kön­nen sich ändern. Alle Preis- und Ver­füg­bar­keits­in­for­ma­tio­nen auf zum Zeit­punkt des Kaufs gel­ten für den Kauf die­ses Produkts.
calmac-west-coast-whisky-pass-250x267 CalMac promises a dram good time with new West Coast Whisky Pass

Fer­ry ope­ra­tor Cal­Mac has joi­n­ed with part­ners across the west coast to offer whis­ky lovers a chan­ce to make more of their distil­lery visits. The com­pa­ny sails to many islands and High­land are­as with distil­le­ries and this can now be com­bi­ned with the new West Coast Whis­ky Pass, which offers a ran­ge of exclu­si­ve pro­mo­ti­ons and discounts.

Mag­gie Magui­re, CalMac’s UK Tou­rism Deve­lo­p­ment Mana­ger, out­lined the suc­cess of the new initia­ti­ve at the recent ‚Tas­te for Tou­rism‘ sum­mit in Oban.

“Whis­ky tou­rism is of gro­wing importance and with our fer­ry rou­tes cove­ring three of the five main pro­du­cing are­as – Camp­bel­town, Islay and High­lands – we are ide­al­ly pla­ced to help make visits as memo­rable as pos­si­ble. Our Whis­ky Hopscotch Trail opens up some of our best known but remo­test distil­le­ries to whis­ky lovers through fer­ry tra­vel and com­bi­ning the Whis­ky Pass adds a new dimen­si­on to visi­tors‘ experience.”

The West Coast Whis­ky Pass was sin­gled out by jud­ges for its inno­va­ti­ve approach recent­ly when Cal­Mac was crow­ned Best Fer­ry Ope­ra­tor at The Inde­pen­dent Tra­vel Awards.

Pas­ses are available at Cal­Mac Tour­shops, on board sel­ec­ted ships and at sel­ec­ted port offices. Hol­ders bene­fit from a ran­ge of gre­at value opti­ons and pro­mo­ti­ons from a ran­ge of whis­ky spe­cia­list part­ners inclu­ding the Bon Accord Whis­ky Bar, Glas­gow, Dra­mo­lo­gist whis­ky tours plus more than a dozen distil­le­ries up and down the west coast from Spring­bank in Camp­bel­town to Talis­ker on Skye.

Whis­ky accounts for 25% of all the UK’s food and drink exports and is an incre­asing­ly popu­lar attrac­tion in its own right for visi­tors too. Accor­ding to Visit­S­cot­land, 20% of for­eign visi­tors to the coun­try visi­ted a distil­lery during their trip. For visi­tors from Ger­ma­ny this rises to 43% and over­all 1.1 mil­li­on visits were recor­ded to distil­le­ries in Scot­land during 2013, an increase of more than 10% on the pre­vious year.

“We look for­ward to get­ting more part­ners on board to deve­lop the Whis­ky Pass fur­ther next year,” said Maggie.

For more infor­ma­ti­on on the Whis­ky Hopscotch Trails and West Coast Whis­ky Pass see

(* = Affi­lia­te-Link / Bild­quel­le: Amazon-Partnerprogramm)
Pro­dukt­prei­se und ‑ver­füg­bar­keit sind zum ange­ge­be­nen Datum / Uhr­zeit kor­rekt und kön­nen sich ändern. Alle Preis- und Ver­füg­bar­keits­in­for­ma­tio­nen auf zum Zeit­punkt des Kaufs gel­ten für den Kauf die­ses Produkts.

Jörg Bechtold beschäftigt sich seit Ende der 90er Jahre mit Single Malt Whisky. Auf mehreren Reisen nach Schottland hat er Land und Leute kennengelernt sowie viele Destillerien besucht. 2002 hatte er die WHISKYFANPAGE.DE begründet, seit 2006 schreibt er dieses Blog und ist außerdem als Referent für Whisky-Tastings tätig.